Opportunities for Donors

Donors have a number of options for charitable giving. Our staff will work with you and your client to identify a gift that meets your needs.

Charitable Giving Scenarios

Make a quick and easy giftContribute a gift in cash or by checkAn income tax deduction and immediate benefit for the community
Make a gift with other existing sourcesExample: Donate a life insurance policy you no longer need, or proceeds from an IRACurrent and possible future income tax deductions
Defer a gift until after your lifetimeBequeath cash, property, or a portion of your estateAn estate tax deduction
Make a gift while minimizing the impact on taxes and capital gainsContribute long-term appreciated stock or other securitiesA charitable deduction that may reduce capital gains tax
Minimize the two-fold taxation on IRA or other employee benefit plansDesignate a fund at the foundation as one of your beneficiariesMay reduce tax liability on assets left to heirs
Receive income today while creating a permanent philanthropic legacy for the futureCreate a charitable remainder trust that pays income to you during your lifetime for a designated time periodAt maturity, assets benefit the fund you establish to meet the community needs important to you


Wayne County
Community Foundation

517 North Market Street
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone: (330) 262-3877
Fax: (330) 262-8057
Email: contact@wccfoh.org

community foundation accredited
Copyright © 2025 Wayne County Community Foundation. All rights reserved.