WCCF Awards Over $690,000 in Scholarships

September 1, 2021

The Wayne County Community Foundation awarded 335 individual scholarships totaling more than $690,000 for the 2021-2022 academic year. Recipients are:

Claudia Adcock: Charles S. Cicconetti Scholarship, Edward, Arlene, and Kaye Maibach Wayne County Scholarship, and Panyard Family Memorial Scholarship; Madeline Allen: WHS Class of 1939 Scholarship; Brennah Arnold: OABGC/Eugene W. Workman Scholarship; Alexia Arrowood: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Brady Ayers: Pearl M. Braham Scholarship;

Hannah Baker: John A. Tooley Scholarship for Developmental Disabilities; Mary Baker: F. Emerson Logee Memorial Law Scholarship, Flo K. Gault Scholarship, Northwestern Alumni and Friends Association Scholarship, and Wayne County Bar Association Scholarship; Lindsey Baldridge: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Emma Banton: Larry and Doris Clark Scholarship; Samantha Barnette: Anne M. Wolf Memorial Scholarship; Vanessa Beaverson: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Alyssa Beck: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Brock Berry: Catherine E. and Frank J. Seifried Scholarship; Jillian Beun: Don and Teara Buren Scholarship; Elizabeth Blythin: John Hodovan Scholarship; Eleanore Bond: Kristen Jackson Scholarship and Wayne County Nursing Consortium Memorial Scholarship; Miranda Brainard: Friendship Award, Julie and David Mennes Healthcare Scholarship, and Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Andrea Brazis: Joyce M. Fast Scholarship and Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship; Kaitlyn Bretz: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Cassidy Brown: Mr. and Mr. Loyd Dalton WHS Athletic Scholarship, Noble Foundation Scholarship , and Sam Shapiro Scholarship for Wooster Rotary Club; Shannon Browning: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Resource Fund; Brian Burdine: Wooster High School Teacher Enrichment; Judith Burkholder: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship and Wallace and Catherine Lytle Family Scholarship; Karmellah Buttler: Clarence V. and Evelyn F. Amstutz Memorial Scholarship and Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship;

Joseph Capozzio: Eugene A. Sharick Music Scholarship; Suzanne Caraballo: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Resource Fund; Samuel Carmel: Noble Foundation Scholarship; Hattie Carr: Jim and Ann Obrecht Scholarship and Thomas A. Nickle Scholarship; Rebekah Carr: Blosser Brothers (Lee and John) Scholarship and Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarship; Aedan Chavez: Brian Tarpley Scholarship; Christian Chupp: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Resource Fund; Joshua Cline: Northwestern Alumni and Friends Association Scholarship; Andrew Cochran: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Michael Conrad: Larry and Doris Clark Scholarship; Emily Constable: Patty Ayers Memorial Scholarship; Hailey Copeland: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Chloe Cosmo: Edgar G. Garvin Scholarship and Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship;

Morgan Danko: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Nathan Davis: Wayne County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship; Grace Deidrick: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship; Caitlyn DeMassimo: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship and Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Tess Denning: Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Macey Dillon: Brian Tarpley Scholarship, Edna Adams Scholarship , Margaret Hedrick Memorial Scholarship, MIRK, Inc. Scholarship, W. Lee Culp Scholarship, Wayne County Nursing Consortium Memorial Scholarship, and Wooster Noon Lions / PDG James Pitman Memorial Scholarship;

Savannah Ebin: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Jacob Ellis: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Remigny Ewing: Farmers National Bank Scholarship; Tari Fagert: AAUW-Wooster Branch-Scholarship; Angel Fahrney: Edward, Arlene, and Kaye Maibach Wayne County Scholarship; Hannah Farnsworth: Paul R. and Elizabeth C. Simon Scholarship; Miki Fath: Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship; Sophia Flinner: Zarle Family Scholarship; Emma Frantz: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship;

Macy Garman: Helen Youngen Memorial Scholarship; Luke Garrett: Zarle Family Scholarship; Sevrigino Garza: Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Erica Gasser: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Madeline Gay: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Jacob Gessner: Jim and Ann Obrecht Scholarship; Elizabeth Gilson: Carlos Weber Memorial Scholarship, David J. Devore Memorial 4H/FFA Scholarship, Doug Wells Memorial Scholarship, Edward, Arlene, and Kaye Maibach Wayne County Scholarship, Lillian Long -- PEO Chapter AP Scholarship, and Noble Foundation Scholarship; Isabel Gracia: Waynedale High School Scholarship; Kyler Grubiss: Paul and Sandy Obermiller Scholarship; Michaela Gubics: Helen Youngen Memorial Scholarship; Bennet Gwin: Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship and Workman Family Scholarship;

Jennifer Hahn: Catherine E. and Frank J. Seifried Scholarship; Cooper Haley: Steven H. Smith Scholarship; Paige Hammer : Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital Medical Staff Memorial Scholarship; Maya Hamsher: Zarle Family Scholarship; Katelyn Harrison: Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship; Colby Hartzler: Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarships and Julie and David Mennes Healthcare Scholarship; Mackenna Hatfield: Flo K. Gault Scholarship and Julie and David Mennes Healthcare Scholarship; Benjamin Haven: Dick Gates Academic Prize; Hallie Heath: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Paiten Hendershot: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Brianna Hill: Friendship Award and Roger and Eveyln Hessidence and Family Scholarship; Cole Hissong: Mark Kiper Scholarship; Audrey Hochstetler: Noble Foundation Scholarship; Evan Hodkinson: Casandra "Sandy" Biggs Memorial Scholarship and Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship; Nathan Hofstetter: Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship and Paul R. and Elizabeth C. Simon Scholarship; Evan Hootman: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Julia Hootman: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Caleb Hostetler: Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarship; Emily Hovest: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship;

Asharia Irby: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship, Ralph R. and Grace B. Jones Community Scholarship, and Wooster-Orrville NAACP Scholarship; Andrew Jacobs: Helen Youngen Memorial Scholarship; Meaghan James: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Hannah Johnson: Edna Adams Scholarship ; Carly Jokovick: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Resource Fund; Trevor Jones: Catherine E. and Frank J. Seifried Scholarship;

Kaden Katanic: Laura B. Frick Memorial Scholarship; Ashley Kay: AAUW-Wooster Branch-Scholarship; Caleb Keib: David Hedrick Memorial Scholarship, Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarship, and Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Shakad Khan: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Minkyung Kim: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Kristen King: Flo K. Gault Scholarship and Sprenger Health Care Scholarship; Reese King: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship and SHS Mann Scholarship; Hunter Kiper: F. Emerson Logee Memorial Law Scholarship and Wayne County Bar Association Scholarship; Elaine Kirkbride: Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship; Anna Kish: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Emily Krause: Wayne County Nursing Consortium Memorial Scholarship and WCSCC Student Scholarship; Madison Kurtz: Dana Shafer Scholarship; Mitchell Kutz: Arden and Clarice Shisler Nationwide Insurance Scholarship;

Madeline LaBouf: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Emily Landis: Zarle Family Scholarship; Dylan Landon: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Alivia Larrison: Helen Youngen Memorial Scholarship, d106,Kandy Swain Memorial Scholarship, and Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship; Sarah Leach: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Peyton Leatherman: Knetzer-Urwin Family Scholarship; Richard Lee: Wooster High School Teacher Enrichment; Adria Lemmon: Flo K. Gault Scholarship and Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Zane Loibl: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Brooke Loving: Edgar G. Garvin Scholarship; Skylie Lutz: Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; James Lyons: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship and Mark W. Carrabine Memorial Math Award; Joseph Lyons: Dick Gates Academic Prize;

Ashley Madrid: Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship; Anna Maglott: Clarence V. and Evelyn F. Amstutz Memorial Scholarship and Mabel N. Wenger Memorial Scholarship; Stephanie Mangus: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Seth Manley: Arden and Clarice Shisler Nationwide Insurance Scholarship and Clarence V. and Evelyn F. Amstutz Memorial Scholarship; William Mast: Darl W. Brooks Memorial Scholarship and Jim Carmichael Memorial Scholarship; Olivia Mathis: Jim Carmichael Memorial Scholarship; Ellen McAllister: Mary Jane Chapman Memorial Scholarship; Patrick McCarthy II: Dalton Alumni Scholarship and Magni-Power Co. -- William C. Martin, Jr. Scholarship; Mariah McConnell: Nancy, Cheryl, and James Frank Memorial Scholarship; Morgan McCoy: Ferenc M. Relle Scientific Scholarship and Robert C. and Jean Seiwert Engineering Scholarship; Nicholas McFarren: Larry and Doris Clark Scholarship; Be*njamin Melkey: Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarships; Haily Mellott: Edward, Arlene, and Kaye Maibach Career Center Scholarship, Mathilda "Tillie" Lorincz Scholarship, and Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Mark Mercado: OABGC/Eugene W. Workman Scholarship; Allison Meyer: Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; Emily Miles: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Austin Miller: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Camdyn Miller: Laura B. Frick Memorial Scholarship; Halle Miller: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship and Laura B. Frick Memorial Scholarship; Kieran Miller: Larry and Doris Clark Scholarship; Makayla Miller: Mary Jane Chapman Memorial Scholarship; Rosanna Miller: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Resource Fund; Samuel Miller: Roger and Marilyn Wells Memorial Scholarship and Shreve Presbyterian Church (USA) Scholarship; Shem Miller: Laura B. Frick Memorial Scholarship; Madison Mohler: Edward, Arlene, and Kaye Maibach Norwayne Scholarship; Steele Morgan: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Madisyn Morrow: Donna Devore Lowe Scholarship and Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Hannah Mosgrove: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Leah Mosgrove: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Abigail Murphy: Knetzer - Urwin Family Scholarship;

Bryce Nelson: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Jillian Newlan: Knetzer - Urwin Family Scholarship; Ella Nicholson: Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; Kelly Nickson: AAUW-Wooster Branch-Scholarship; Kayla Nofsinger: John S. Alioto Scholarship, Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship, and Workman Family Scholarship; Maxwell Norman: Paul and Sandy Obermiller Scholarship; Ezekiel Ntia: Paul Ladd Memorial Scholarship; Bailey Paver: Pauline M. Walker Educational Scholarship; Alexis Pesicek: Edna Adams Scholarship; Elizabeth Phillips: Benjamin E. Moody Scholarship; Jake Phillips: Workman Family Scholarship; Jadon Pomeroy: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Chloe Preston: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Jacob Price: Mark Kiper Scholarship; Anna Puster: Darl W. Brooks Memorial Scholarship, Gertrud Tubach Relle Performing Arts Scholarship, Jim and Ann Obrecht Scholarship, Mark Kiper Scholarship, Noble Foundation Scholarship , and St. John Lutheran Church (McZena) Scholarship;

Rylie Raber: Fritz and Norma Horn Family Scholarship; Abigail Rahz: Jim and Ann Obrecht Scholarship; Hunter Reich: Waynedale High School Scholarship; Gabriella Ricchetti: Daniel Rohr Scholarship; Benjamin Roscoe: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship; Grace Sattelmaier: Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; Brittany Schlabach: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Molly Schneider: Wooster Motor Ways - Taylor Funk Memorial Scholarship; Kaden Schrock: Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Madison Schroer: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship and Lucille F. Silver Memorial Scholarship;
Nicole Shaffer: Carlos Appleman Scholarship; Jonathan Shilling: Jim Carmichael Memorial Scholarship; Ashley Siegel: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship and Joan Lance Houghlan Scholarship for Aspiring Educators; Francis Sim: Edna Adams Scholarship; Cassidy Sims: Edna Adams Scholarship, Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship, and Noble Foundation Scholarship; Makalin Sims: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Braden Smith: Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarship; Madison Smith: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Marc Smith: Sam Shapiro Scholarship Honoring Lisa and Don Drumm; Noah Smith: Huntley and Bea Pierce Family Sports Scholarship; Elizabeth Snider: Leroy and Helen Adams Community Service Scholarship and Noble Foundation Scholarship; Abbigail Snyder: Clarence V. and Evelyn F. Amstutz Memorial Scholarship and Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; Colton Snyder: Darl W. Brooks Memorial Scholarship and Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Christina Spedden: Wallace and Catherine Lytle Family Scholarship; Ada Speegle: Rittman Masonic and Eastern Star Scholarship; Jameson Sprankle: Mark Kiper Scholarship; Jillian St. John: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship; Emma-Jean Stanley: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship; Olivia Stanley: Larry and Cindy Acker Scholarship; Morgan Stein: AAUW-Wooster Branch-Scholarship; Nicole Steiner: Wayne County Bar Association Scholarship; Andrew Stitt: Workman Family Scholarship; Matthew Stitt: Paul R. and Elizabeth C. Simon Scholarship; Marius Stoll: Terry A. Garnder Music Scholarship; Elsie Stoller: Robert D. Blough (1944-1967 Vietnam) Memorial Scholarship; Heidi Stoller: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship and Wallace and Catherine Lytle Family Scholarship; Nickolas Swartz: Wadsworth - Rittman Hospital Medical Staff Memorial Scholarship; Amber Swigart: Frances G. Shoolroy Scholarship;

Katelyn Tackett: Eugene A. Sharick Music Scholarship; Seth Tackett: Eugene A. Sharick Music Scholarship; Heather Thomas: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Sophia Troutman: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Connor Troyer: Robin Industries, Inc. Employees' Educational Resource Scholarship; Katelyn Troyer: Flo K. Gault Scholarship, OABGC/LaMont H. Shultzman Scholarship, and Steven H. Smith Scholarship; Tamara Turner: George Harrison and Castine Barnett Scholarship, Mary Jane Chapman Memorial Scholarship, Roy S. Bates Scholarship, and Wooster-Orrville NAACP Scholarship;

Rhett Usternul: Fritz and Norma Horn Family Scholarship and Roger and Marilyn Wells Memorial Scholarship; Mya Vandegrift: Lucille F. Silver Memorial Scholarship and Ryder Coach's Award and Scholarship; Sophia VanSickle: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; John Veney: Magni-Power Co. -- William C. Martin, Jr. Scholarship; Gretchen Wald: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Darian Wallace: Larry and Doris Clark Scholarship; Tamar Walton: Weltmer Academic Award; Hannah Watson: Clinton E. Missler Agri-Scholarship, Flo K. Gault Scholarship, and John W. Landis Scholarship; Kaci Way: Don and Teara Buren Scholarship; Amelia Welsh: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Erica Werntz: Walter and Mary Esther Schmid Scholarship; Allaina Werstler: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Lena Wiebe: Lady A Scholarship, MIRK, Inc. Scholarship, Noble Foundation Scholarship, and Norma and Kenneth G. Rhode Scholarship; Kelly Williams: Flo K. Gault Scholarship; Gabrielle Williamson: Harold Bowman Award; Lynnsey Winchell: Laura B. Frick Memorial Scholarship; Calvin Winter: Robert L. and Kathleen M. Polsky Foundation Scholarship; Isabel Winter: Robert H. and Sara C. Moore Memorial Scholarship; Kelsey Wolfe: Roy S. Bates Scholarship; Andrew Wyckoff: Arden and Clarice Shisler Nationwide Insurance Scholarship; Hannah Yates: Duane and Leonette Rowe Scholarships; Sarah Yeater: Jim and Ann Obrecht Scholarship; and Kiley Young: Jodi Shilling Memorial Art Scholarship and Sgt. Michael T. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship

The WCCF has over 140 scholarship funds and each scholarship has its own award criteria, such as graduation from a specific high school, financial need, academic achievement, or leadership characteristics.

Since 1978, the Wayne County Community Foundation has been working to strengthen the community we all share. It is a nonprofit charitable community organization. Since inception, WCCF has awarded over $94.5 million in grants and scholarships back into the community. For more information about the Foundation call 330.262.3877 or visit www.WayneCountyCommunityFoundation.org.

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Wayne County
Community Foundation

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Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone: (330) 262-3877
Fax: (330) 262-8057
Email: [email protected]

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