Wayne County Community Youth Foundation Awards $5,000 in Grants

May 20, 2021

The Wayne County Community Youth Foundation (WCCYF) provides educational and practical experiences on how community foundations operate, with the goal of getting high school students engaged in local “structured” philanthropy. Each year, student participants in the program also award grants from the Wayne County Community Youth Foundation Fund to local nonprofit organizations that support youth programs.

Student advisors evaluated four grant proposals for the 2021 grant cycle. Based on their recommendations to the Wayne County Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees, a total of $5,000 was awarded to three nonprofit organizations:

  • $1,000 to RIDGE Project, Inc. to support the purchase of project supplies, materials, and other items for service projects in Wayne County for a food pantry and for landscaping at an area church.
  • $1,500 to the Wayne County Children’s Advocacy Center Inc. to purchase items to renovate their forensic interviewing room to provide a comfortable, safe and clean environment.
  • $2,500 to the Wayne County Children’s STEAM Playlab to purchase STEAM sets that will be educational and youth focused, as well as sensory-friendly for special learners.

Earlier this year, this WCCYF class also collected $600 through their Souper Bowl of Caring initiative and then donated the funds to the Viola Startzman Clinic to purchase food for “Blessing Boxes”, a part of the Clinic’s Food Pharmacy Program.

The Youth Foundation meets once a month at an area nonprofit organization during the school year to get a better understanding of why the organization exists and how it serves the community. Participants also gain valuable leadership experience, learn more about local charitable giving and how investments grow charitable funds; evaluate and recommend grant awards, and meet local philanthropic leaders.

For the 2020-2021 school year, 26 students representing 10 local high schools participated in the WCCYF. A program graduation was held on May 2, 2021 at the Wayne County Fair Event Center. Deanna Troutman, a WCCF Trustee, is the Wayne County Community Youth Foundation Advisor. 

Competitive grant applications to the Wayne County Community Youth Foundation from nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable organizations serving the youth of Wayne County should be submitted by February 1 each year. The grant guidelines and online application are available on the WCCF website, www.waynecountycommunityfoundation.org.

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Community Foundation

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