Wayne County Community Foundation Funds Emergency Grants

May 7, 2020

The Wayne County Community Foundation in conjunction with local private foundations established the Wayne County Emergency Response Fund in March to support local non-profit organizations on the front line of COVID-19 response efforts.

To date, nine grants have been awarded totaling $47,780 to the following non-profit organizations:

A Whole Community, Inc. received a $5,000 grant for year four of its Community Food Project.

Boys and Girls Club of Wooster received a $5,000 grant for club member support.

The Counseling Center of Wayne and Holmes Counties received a $5,000 grant to support client access.

New Beginnings Crossroads Fellowship received a $5,780 grant for emergency food asssistance.

People to People Ministries received a $6,000 grant for emergency financial assistance for their evictions program.

United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties received a $5,000 grant for COVID-19 rental assistance.

West Salem Outreach and Food Pantry Inc. received a $1,000 grant for restocking pantry shelves depleted by increased demand.

Wooster Hope Center received a $10,000 grant for the greater Wayne County food pantry.

YMCA of Wayne County received a $5,000 grant to provide pandemic childcare.

The WCCF is a not-for-profit charitable community organization established in 1978 to accept contributions, create and administer funds, and make grants for the benefit of the people of the greater Wayne County area. Since 1978, the Foundation has awarded more than $82 million in the form of grants and scholarships from its  470 separate funds.

The Wayne County Emergency Response Fund was established to provide a limited number of one-time grants to nonprofit organizations addressing the emerging needs of the community – including, but not limited to, support for lost wages, housing security, food security, and expanding access to medical services. Organizations requesting funding should complete the online application at www.WayneCountyCommunityFoundation.org.

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Wayne County
Community Foundation

517 North Market Street
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone: (330) 262-3877
Fax: (330) 262-8057
Email: [email protected]

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